
Privacy Policy for

Last Updated: August 2023

Your privacy is of paramount importance to We're committed to safeguarding your personal data and upholding your right to privacy.

In this Policy, we elaborate on the ways we handle and use your Personal Data, our purpose for doing so, the legal foundation we base our actions on, and the precautions we've put in place for your protection. Furthermore, we detail your rights concerning our Processing of your Personal Data., with its registration details, is the Controller for all Personal Data outlined in this Privacy Policy (the "Policy").

The information in this Policy applies when you interact with us, use our services, or visit our website at (collectively referred to as the "Features").

Target Audience:

Users of our Services

Potential customers

Website visitors


 Bend is a highly selective remote hiring platform for JavaScript related tech. We provide fully dedicated development teams, committed to cost-efficient and comprehensive end-to-end product delivery, ensuring maximum value without compromising on quality.’s Role as Controller:

The data covered in this Policy refers to Personal Data Processing where plays the role of Controller. As a Controller, we determine the purpose and means of Processing. We do not cover situations where we act as a Processor, processing Personal Data on behalf of third parties.’s primary service is connecting European tech talents with potential employers. For this purpose, we manage data for activities such as user registration, matching talents with companies, invoicing, time-tracking, and in some instances, marketing efforts.’s Processing of Personal Data:

This section offers insight into the kind of Personal Data we handle, why we do so, and our legal reasoning for this activity.

Storage Duration of Personal Data:

Your Personal Data remains in our system only for as long as its original collection purpose remains valid. We routinely delete outdated or unnecessary data and do our utmost to keep all remaining data current and accurate.

Processing Details:

Our main goal in processing data is to enhance our services. We handle different data types, including but not limited to:

Identity verification details

Service or product usage data

IP addresses for analytics and efficient content delivery

Access to Your Personal Data:

Mainly, we gain access to your Personal Data in two ways:

You directly provide it to us.

Through third-party analysis tools like cookies.

Legal Bases:

Our processing actions stand on legal grounds such as:

Contractual obligations.

Legitimate interests that are assessed and balanced against any potential risk to your personal rights.

Your Rights:

We prioritize giving you control over your Personal Data. You can exercise a range of rights, including access, rectification, erasure, objections, restriction, data portability, and consent withdrawal.

To use any of your rights, reach out to

Transfer of Personal Data:

On occasion, we might need to transfer your Personal Data to third-party Processors. When this happens outside the EU/EEA, we ensure compliance with relevant laws by verifying one of the following:

The receiving country has adequate data protection laws.

The Processor has agreed to standard contract clauses.

Other suitable safeguards are in place.

Security Measures: employs both technical and organizational measures to protect your Personal Data. These include internal policies, password management, encryption, secure networks, regular security audits, and more.


We use cookies to optimize your experience on our site. For more details, check our Cookie Policy.


Should you feel we haven't processed your data correctly, after notifying us, you have the right to complain to the appropriate European data protection authority.

Policy Changes:

We reserve the right to update this Policy. Significant changes will be communicated to you.


For questions regarding your data or this policy, please contact us at: